* أقوال الإيمان
ترجمة د. فليحة حسن
مراجعة حسين ناصر جبر
( الشاي وأحلام اليقظة ) و( أمام شرفة الخربشات )
Faith Says
By Marian M. Fay
from her blog “Tea and Reverie”
For every soft caress that brushes away your tears of pain,
anger, and frustration.
There is goodness deeply felt, God is good.
For every outstretched hand that catches your stumbles,
scrapes, breaks and hidden bruises.
There is strength lifting you up and building your trust.
God can be trusted. He is faithful.
For every gently spoken word of encouragement that dispels
feelings of not good enough, and who cares?
There is an abiding flame of hope. God is hope.
For every hug that shuts out distractions that weigh
heavily on your shoulders and intensely in your muscles.
There is a loving release of peace. God is love and He
gives you His peace.
For every celebration of revelation of whom we really are
and who created us.
There is true joy in the knowledge you have a place of love
to come home to.
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